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Our Story

Woodbridge's History

Woodbridge Furniture is a high-end brand in the home furnishings marketplace offering case goods, dining and occasional furniture. Woodbridge from its inception has focused on high quality veneers and finishes combined with best in class construction. Founded in 2003, Woodbridge has been built on a reputation of classic lines and timeless pieces for today’s living. Woodbridge and its partners offer an integrated case goods business with custom paint and custom upholstery for the exacting needs of our customers.

Our Corporate Office

The Company Headquarters

In January 2018 we moved into our newly constructed headquarters. This 65,000 sq. ft. facility allows us to blend our COM department, spray booth, corporate staff and warehousing into one location. This growth answered our continued need to meet our customers expectations for reliable service, quick shipments and quality furniture. In Spring of 2019 we moved our High Point market showroom to 200 Steele St. #301, which enables us to entertain our customers and display our furniture in the environment it deserves.

[email protected]
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